nb6. Query by frequency |
The relevant columns of the ALMA TAP service are:
Import all necessary modules:
import numpy as np
import astropy
import pyvo
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.eso.org/tap") # for the EU ALMA TAP service
# service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.nao.ac.jp/tap") # for the EA ALMA TAP service
# service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.nrao.edu/tap") # for the NA ALMA TAP service
The ALMA archive metadata contain the central frequency of the observations in the frequency column and width of the spectral window in the bandwidth column of each observation. In this function we see which observations do overlap with the frequency range given by the user.
def query_spectral_range(service, science_category, freq_min, freq_max):
"""Returns all observations that have (a portion of) their spectral coverage overlapping the range freq_min to freq_max
service pyvo TAPService instance
science_category (substring of) one of the ALMA science science categories (see +Notebook 4)
freq_min minimum frequency of the requested coverage (GHz)
freq_max maximum frequency of the requested coverage (GHz)
returns pandas table with frequency (GHz) and bandwidth (GHz)
query = f"""
SELECT member_ous_uid, target_name, frequency, bandwidth
FROM ivoa.obscore
WHERE (frequency - 0.5 * bandwidth/1e9) < {freq_max} AND (frequency + 0.5 * bandwidth/1e9) > {freq_min} AND scientific_category like '%{science_category}%'
return service.search(query).to_table().to_pandas()
This function allows the user to read out all frequency ranges covered for one source. To achieve this we need to use the frequency_support column. This column contains strings including the frequency limits of each spectral window within each measurent set, sensivity and polarization information. We will show how to apply this function for a source in example 6b.
def plot_all_frequencies(output_table):
"""Plots the frequencies and bandwidths for all of the observations in the output table
output_table pandas output table with frequency (GHz) and bandwidth (Hz) column
returns None
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20,20)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([0,len(output_table['frequency'])],[84,480], alpha = 0)
for i in range(len(output_table['frequency'])):
freq_min = output_table['frequency'][i] - output_table['bandwidth'][i]/1e9/2
freq_max = output_table['frequency'][i] + output_table['bandwidth'][i]/1e9/2
left, bottom, width, height = (i, freq_min, 0.5, freq_max - freq_min )
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((left,bottom), width, height))
### Code each band
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((-3,84),2,116-84, facecolor = 'blue'))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((-3,125),2,163-125, facecolor = 'red'))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((-3,163),2,211-163, facecolor = 'green'))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((-3,211),2,275-211, facecolor = 'orange'))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((-3,275),2,373-275, facecolor = 'yellow'))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((-3,385),2,500-385, facecolor = 'magenta'))
plt.title('Frequency coverage for "SPT0311-58"',fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('Frequency [GHz]',fontsize=15)
output = query_spectral_range(service, 'Active galaxies', 200, 400)
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20,10)
plt.errorbar(np.arange(len(output['frequency'])), output['frequency'], yerr=output['bandwidth']/1e9/2,
elinewidth = 10,marker = '',ls = '')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (GHz)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Objects')
We first need to query all observations available for one specific source. In this example we use the sub-mm galaxy SPT0311-58. This galaxy is not in Sesame (Simbad, NED or VizieR) but has been observed by ALMA:
query = f"""SELECT * FROM ivoa.obscore WHERE target_name = 'SPT0311-58'"""
result = service.search(query)
output = result.to_table().to_pandas()
We can now use the function read_band_freq() to visualize the frequency coverage of each spectral window observed for this source.