
Science Highlight




Post-doctoral research fellowship at the Italian ARC node

The Italian node of the European ALMA Regional Centre offers a
post-doctoral research fellowship, funded under the project "iALMA",

"Interferometric (sub)millimetre astronomy and mm-VLBI in the framework
of the activities of the Italian node of the European network of ALMA
Regional Centres"

Duration: 2 years; possible renewal for a third year.


* PhD degree in astronomy or physics;
* Demonstrated research activity in VLBI;
* Observational expertise in VLBI network;
* Demonstrated research activity in (sub)millimetre astronomy.

Preferential qualifications:

* Observational expertise in mm-VLBI network as PI or Co-I;
* Participation in proposal(s) that obtained observing time with
ALMA or other facilities operating in the (sub)mm band;
* Knowledge of ALMA tools (OT, Helpdesk, sensitivity calculator, OST,...);
* Knowledge of the CASA data reduction package.

URL: http://www.ira.inaf.it/bandi/bandi.html ; Nr. 09/2014/IRA/AR
Or directly to the files:

Application deadline 30 Sept. 2014