On this page we provide help for a number of common problems encountered with the OT. If you have any further questions or discover a new bug, please contact us via the ALMA Helpdesk. Please note that the following advice assumes that the user is running an up-to-date version of the OT.
What do I do if the OT fails to start?
Actually, simply trying again will often fix the problem. If this doesn't work, it may be necessary to delete the existing installation and re-install from scratch.
Problems can also arise with the user's preferences which are stored in the $HOME/.almaot directory. The 'splash screen' will appear as usual, but once the message "Initialising GUI" has appeared the splash screen disappears and the OT GUI does not appear. The solution is probably to delete the 'preferences.xml' and 'StoredPerspective_1.ser' in the $HOME/.almaot directory.
It seems that trying to run the OT on a 32-bit Java installation will fail without any warning whatsoever. The OT now requires a 64-bit installation of Java.
Finally, it seems that problems with graphics drivers can also lead to the OT failing to start - the "Java..." splash screen will appear and then vanish. This problem has so far only been reported by Windows 7 users, but we cannot rule out that other operating systems are also affected. The solution appears to be to update the graphic drivers and may also require that Java be reinstalled.
The OT freezes when I try and input text
It seems that operation of the OT can be affected if other Java applications are run at the same time. To date we only know of problems with the time-management software "RescueTime", but there may be others.
The OT GUI is taking forever to start
What may have happened here is that the GUI that requests the user's password has got lost under other windows.
I quit the OT and I don't know how to start it again
As in Cycle 12 there is no installer, you will not find an OT icon on your desktop as in previous years. To restart the OT, just navigate to the alma-ot-c12 directory and double click on ALMA-OT.command for MacOS, for Linux, or ALMA-OT (may read ALMA-OT.cmd) for Windows.
There are problems with the PDF of the proposal
The OT uses software on the user's machine to produce the PDF of the proposal and sometimes this can lead to areas of the PDF being black instead of showing text. However, after the proposal deadline all PDFs are regenerated at JAO and so the PDFs seen by the review committees will not have this problem.
Troubleshooting for Cycle 11 DDT proposals
If you are submitting a Cycle 11 DDT proposal, you may also encounter some of the issues listed below, for which we provide help. If you have any further questions or discover a new bug, please contact us via the ALMA Helpdesk. Please note that the following advice assumes that the user is running an up-to-date version of the OT.
I can’t run the installer OT on Windows 11
There is an issue that the OT (from the Installer) exits unexpectedly on Windows 11. If you encounter this issue, please install the OT via the tarball.
Do I need to install Java?
For the OT that will be used in Cycle 11, no, you do not need to install Java as the OT will come with its own copy of Java 17.
If so, which version of Java should I install?
The Cycle 11 OT requires Java 17, but we recommend that you install a version of the OT (using the OT Installer or the tarball) that does with its own version of Java. A tarball distribution without Java is available and if this is used, a version of Java 17 must be installed on your computer.
I can't run the OT or the Installer on my Mac
On Macs, a message might be displayed saying that the OT or the Installer was prevented from running. The easiest solution here is to right-click on the application and choose 'Open' - this will then allow the OT to be run after a confirmation. Alternatively, open 'Security & Privacy' in 'System Preferences' and there should be a message relating to the OT having been blocked - select 'Open Anyway'. It is also important that the option allowing apps from 'identified developers' be selected. This is all part of a security feature called 'Gatekeeper'. Introduced in the Mountain Lion Mac OS release, this made it difficult to run applications that had either not been downloaded from the App Store or were not signed with an Apple Developer ID. The security was increased starting with the Catalina OS release and applications now can't be run at all unless one of these criteria are fulfilled.
It also seems that the installer will not work on older versions of macOS, although so far we only know that this is the case for 10.10 Yosemite. If this is the case, users will need to use the tarball.
How do I install Java on a Mac?
On a Mac, the JRE download will consist of a .dmg file that should be opened as usual. This will do most of the installation for you, but it will not set the path to the Java installation, which must therefore be done manually. On a Mac, the java executables should reside in '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/' and this directory should be added to your path. As the name of that directory implies, all browsers running on a Mac should automatically pick up the necessary plugin.
Important: Mac OS versions before 10.7.3 (Lion) can only install Java 6 or earlier - the OS should therefore be upgraded if at all possible.
Will the OT run on my new M1 Mac?
Yes, testing has shown that the new M1 Macs will successfully run the standard Mac OT distribution. However, it is necessary to install Apple's 'Rosetta' software first.In the future, it may be possible to distribute an OT that includes a JRE that is optimized for M1 Macs.
How do I install Java on Linux?
On a Linux system, the user will be able to choose where the JRE is installed. Afterwards, the installation's 'bin/' directory should be added to the user's PATH. In addition, the internet plugin must be installed manually. More information can be found on the Installer page.
What version of Java am I running?
If the above instructions for installation have been followed, the version being used by the OT can be shown via the command line i.e.
>java -version
java version "1.8.0_281"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_281-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.281-b09, mixed mode)
Oracle host a web page which will inform you of the version.
Finally, the version can be viewed using the Java Console. On a Mac this is available via the System Preferences menu, but for all installations is available as an executable ('ControlPanel') in the 'bin/' directory of the Java installation. If this directory has been added to your path, just typing this at the command line should work.
The command-line Java version is different to the browser version
It can happen that the Java version reported using 'java -version' and by the browser are different. This should only happen on a Mac as this allows both a JRE and a JDK to be installed. The JDK also contains a JRE and it is probably this one that is being used for the command line, whilst the stand-alone JRE is used by the browser. As only the browser JRE is automatically updated, the version numbers can get out of sync. In principle, having different versions of a JRE installed is not a problem, so long as both are kept up to date. However, it is not necessary to install a JDK in order to run the OT.
My Java installation is not updating automatically
This probably means that you are running on a 32-bit Linux operating system. For some reason, automatic updates for Linux are only enabled on 64-bit installations. In fact, the update tab in the Control Panel is completely absent. Upgrading Java on a 32-bit Linux system therefore requires that the JRE be downloaded and installed manually each time an update is released.
I can only run the OT on a 32-bit machine
If you have no choice but to run the OT in a 32-bit environment, you will need to use the tarball version of the OT. After installing this as normal, open the '' file in a text editor and replace '-Xmx3072m' with '-Xmx1024m'. The OT should now run correctly, but it may not be possible to validate and submit complicated proposals that use many Science Goals and/or which make use of the OT's clustering algorithm (sources separated by >10 degrees).
The OT GUI is taking forever to start
What may have happened here is that the GUI that requests the user's password has got lost under other windows.