
Science Highlight





text/x-tex proposal-template — 9.7 KB

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%% LaTeX template for the science & technical justification %%
%% to be submitted as part of an ALMA proposal.             %%
%%                                                          %%
%%                      ALMA Cycle 1                        %%
%%                                                          %%

%%%%% How to convert this document to PDF %%%%%%%%

% If your figures are stored as PostScript files, you can use the 
% following commands to generate a PDF file of your proposal:

%% latex file.tex
%% dvips file.dvi
%% ps2pdf file.ps file.pdf 

% If your figures are PDF images or bitmap pictures in PNG, JPG, or GIF format,
% you can use the pdflatex command to generate a PDF file from this template
% (note, however, that the pdflatex command does not handle PostScript files):

% pdflatex file.tex

%           1. You must make sure that PDF output generated from this
%              template is complete both when displayed with a viewer 
%              (acroread, for example) and when printed on paper.
%              LaTeX installations vary greatly and therefore it might 
%              not be possible to get all proposals to come out 
%              correctly with a single text page layout. 
%              In some cases you will have to adjust the 
%              \topmargin=-7mm command in the template to center the 
%              text vertically in the page.  
%           2. The scientific and technical justifications, figures, tables,
%              references, and public outreach statement must all fit within
%              the 5-page limit.
%           3. You are free to include colour images in your proposal 
%              justification. Proposals are distributed to ALMA Review Panels 
%              in electronic form. However, the scientific content of the 
%              images should still remain clear when displayed or printed
%              in black and white.

%%%%% Default format: 12pt single column %%%%%



%%%%%% Page dimensions %%%%%
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\parindent 10pt

%%%%% Start of document %%%%% 

%%%%% Title of proposal %%%%%

{The most distant galaxies in the universe can be seen by ALMA}

%% Principal Investigator (PI) initial(s) and family name %%
\centerline{\bf PI: 
{Include here the name of the PI}}


% Type a concise abstract of your proposal here (optional).

Include here the abstract of your proposal (optional)

%%%%% Body of science justification %%%%%


\section{Scientific Justification}

Enter the scientific justification here, together with any figures and tables that you judge necessary.
%-----------------------------Figure Start---------------------------
% The 'scale' parameter below allows you to scale the figure so that it fits within the page. In this case the figure was scaled to 20% of its original size.
\caption{\em{The CO(1-0) velocity field of NGC\,3256, with contours 
of the total line emission map overlaid (ALMA Science Verification Data).
%-----------------------------Figure End------------------------------

%-----------------------------Table Start-----------------------------
\caption[]{\em{Here we show the continuum sensitivity required per band.}}
\hline \noalign {\smallskip}
Frequency (GHz) & Sensitivity (mJy) \\
\hline \noalign {\smallskip}
100 & 0.01 \\
300 & 0.10 \\
%\hline \noalign {\smallskip}
%-----------------------------Table End ------------------------------

You can structure the scientific justification using the two subsections below (optional).

\subsection{Scientific rationale:}

% Please describe the scientific background of the project,
% pertinent references and previous work relevant to this 
% proposal.

\subsection{Immediate objective:}

% Please describe the observations to be made and their specific
% purpose, with a clear explanation of the need for, and 
% appropriateness of, ALMA Cycle 1 data.  

%%%%% Body of technical justification %%%

\section{Technical Justification}

% Please justify your technical requests in this section. The sub-sections below are intended to guide PIs on some of the main issues that need technical justification. For a more complete list of issues that may need to be discussed here, please consult the Proposer's Guide and check any warnings that may appear after validating the proposal in the Observing Tool (OT) and on the PDF summary generated by the OT.

% Sensitivity: %
% Please justify the requested sensitivity. Relevant parameters to discuss here include the source flux, angular size, width of the spectral lines, desired velocity resolution/channel width and significance (i.e. signal-to-noise ratio). Please be aware that the sensitivity returned by the ALMA Sensitivity Calculator will not always be achievable. For instance, this can occur when the field of view contains a very bright source. Similarly, bright lines in the spectra can also make it very difficult to achieve a theoretical rms, as can a crowded spectrum or faint lines sitting on top of bright continua.
\noindent{\it Requested sensitivity:}

% Imaging: %
% If maps are to be made of your targets, the most important consideration will be whether the imaging algorithms are able to reconstruct the various source components.   The u,v coverage for Cycle 1 is such that even snapshot images will be able to produce good maps of most sources. However, especially for projects that require mosaics or the ACA, simulations (either with CASA or the OST) are a good way to show that the observations will be able to achieve the science goal. If simulations are mentioned in the text, it is best if they are shown in a figure. Also make sure that the source fits inside the primary beam (field of view) and that the largest angular scale of interest in your source is detectable by the shortest baselines in the array. Finally, for mosaics and maps using offset pointings, justify the requested mapping area and separation of the pointings. 
\noindent{\it Imaging requirements:}

% Correlator setup: %
% Justify the requested correlator setup, including total bandwidth, channel spacing/velocity resolution, and spectral window placement.
% **Additional** details of the correlator setup are automatically defined by the OT in Phase II (based on the Phase I request) and will not normally need to be adjusted. In rare instances though this might be necessary. Examples include requiring a smoothing function other than Hanning or a very short integration time. If so, you should specify your particular requirements here and justify its necessity (note: the actual changes will only be made in Phase II, if approved).
\noindent{\it Correlator setup:}

% Scheduling/Time constraints: %
% Most ALMA projects are not time constrained i.e. they will be dynamically scheduled when the source is sufficiently above the horizon and the atmospheric conditions are appropriate for the wavelength being observed. However, some projects require that they be observed (scheduled) at specific times, others require regular monitoring and yet others require that a source event be observed for a particular amount of time i.e. sensitivity is not the scientific driver. If the time needed to complete your observations is different than that calculated by the OT, which is based only on sensitivity, explain the time request here.  
\noindent{\it Time constraints:}

% Calibration: %
% By default, ALMA observations will contain observations of sources necessary to calibrate the flux scale, bandpass and the relative gains of each antenna. For a small fraction of projects, e.g. those with a high spectral dynamic range, it might be necessary to perform additional calibrations and/or to use specific sources. If you have chosen "user-defined" calibration in the OT, please justify this here.
\noindent{\it ``User-defined'' calibration:}

%% Potential for Publicity %%

\section{Potential for Publicity}

% Here, include a brief statement on the potential of your proposal
% to generate publicity based on the scientific results to be obtained.

%% References section: %


% List references here

\noindent [1] Author1 et al. year, journal, vol, page

\noindent [2] Author2 et al. year, journal, vol, page

%%%%% End of document %%%%%
