
Science Highlight




Postdoctoral positions in mm-astronomy at IRAM

deadline: 15 September 2015


Postdoctoral positions in mm-astronomy
Ref: VN 2015/03
Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimétrique
300 rue de la Piscine, F – 38406 St-Martin d’Hères
Email submission: jobs-scsu@iram.fr – IRAM personnel department
Email inquiries: neri@iram.fr, gueth@iram.fr

We are seeking candidates with a PhD in astronomy with a strong interest in (sub)millimeter interferometry. Experience with ALMA, in developing software applica-tions and working in an international research environment are an asset. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae, bibliography and statement of research interests, and arrange for two letters of reference. Applications received before September 15, 2015 will be given full consideration, but will continue to be accepted until the positions are filled. The positions are available immediately with flexible starting dates for a 2-year appointment with possibility of extension. Applications and reference letters are to be submitted by email to the IRAM personnel department (jobs-scsu@iram.fr)

For more details, see